Exercises during period

Not only every health professional, anyone who has access to information know that regular exercise is beneficial for physical and mental health. During your menstruation period, should you keep on with your workouts or should you take a break for a few days? The answer is up to you. If you want to stay in bed with a hot compress, go for it. That is your prerogative. On the other hand, if you do not want to lose your rhythm and routine you have established because of your period, do no worry. You can work out and do exercises as you wish with minor adjustments

Benefits of Exercise During Period

Exercises are recommended to alleviate symptoms related to menstruation. Exercises increase endorphin, serotonin, dopamine and other chemicals that are associated with feeling happy and decreasing anxiety and depression. If you tend to get mood swings and feel anxious, doing some exercise could help.

Exercises also alleviate period cramps. During menstruation, uterus contracts more vigorously to shed its wall linings. During these contractions, blood supply to the uterine walls momentarily halts and the brain receives pain signals. Endorphin, that is released during an exercise, blocks pain receptors in the brain, reducing pain. 

Exercise also increases blood circulation in the muscles, including the ones in the uterus. Better blood circulation in the uterine walls will also contribute to feeling less pain.

Thus, a natural way to fight off period cramps, fatigue and mood swings is doing exercise. 

The next question is how much exercise should you do?

During menstruation, women’s perceived difficulty of an exercise increases, meaning the same exercises you do regularly might seem more strenuous than usual. So keep your exercises light or moderate. 

Low – Intensity Steady – State (LISS) Exercises

This type of workout is very suitable to do during menstruation. LISS is a form of workout where you do a low or moderate intensity cardio exercises for a longer time. 

These include walking, running, swimming, cycling etc. However, remember that the key word here is “low – intensity”. Keep your exercises light. You do not need a full work – out session to perceive the benefits of exercise. Simple walking would do. Walking for 15 minutes twice a day can make a difference. Choose the pace, the duration on your own convenience.


Incorporate stretching exercises in your work out. Light yoga, pilates and tai chi can help relax the muscles, decrease cramps and reduce tension.

Additional Tips for Exercise During Period

Drink plenty of water! Staying hydrated will help you fight bloating and will prevent dehydration – related headaches. Have a little bit of water in between your exercises. 

If cramps and pain discourage you from doing exercise, try over – the –  counter pain relievers, massages or warm compress.

Keep on exercising freely without any interruptions with our discomfort alleviating and cramp preventing sanitary pads.

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Exercises to Avoid During Period    

There is no common consensus on what exercises not to do during menstruation as it all depends on the body of each woman. However, do not overexert yourself. Overdoing exercise can interfere with your normal menstrual cycle. Prolonged periods of strenuous exercise can even lead to exercise – induced inflammation. 

Inversion yoga poses are not recommended either. Some scientists believe that inversion yoga poses pull the uterus toward the head, causing the veins in the uterus compress more. This may lead to increased blood flow to the uterus and bleeding more.

You do not have to change your routine and halt your life because of your period. However, you might need to do some adjustments. Listen to your body and do not overstress your body. Try different things for yourself and find what is ideal for your body.

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