Period Blood Chart – What Does The Blood Colour Mean?

Menstruation is the monthly shedding of the uterine linings. The menstrual discharge gives vital information about the person’s health. It can vary in color and consistency from month to month and even during the same menstrual period. In most cases, the blood at the start and at the end of the menstruation is darker in color since it has stayed long enough in the uterus to oxidize and turn darker. The change in color of menstrual blood can also occur before menopause and during pregnancy. The color of the menstrual blood does not always stay the same and can change depending on diet, age, environment, hormonal imbalance and other health conditions. However, everybody’s menstruation and normal can differ. So, know what your normal is and keep an eye out for any changes that occur in your body.   


The color black might be alarming but it is not always a reason to worry. If blood stays long in the uterus or it takes longer to be discharged, the blood oxidizes and turns to dark brown and eventually to black. Hence, the blood at the start or end of the menstruation can be black. It is also the case for the very first period.  Dark or black blood clots during menstruation is normal too when flood is the heaviest, which is mostly the first couple of days. 

More serious reason for black discharge is vaginal obstruction. If the vagina is blocked partially, it takes longer for the menstrual blood to leave the uterus and the blood turns to black. In this case, the duration of the menstruation gets longer and the flow gets slower. Other symptoms that follow vaginal obstruction is foul smelling discharge, itching and swelling of the vagina and fever.  

Dark Red or Brown  

Rusty brown or dark red blood is also indication of old blood. As in the case of black blood, it is also normal occurrence at the start and end of the menstruation.  

Brown or dark red blood can occur at the start of a pregnancy. It is called implantation bleeding and normally appears a week or two after conception. Implantation bleeding can be confused with normal menstruation, but it is lighter in flow and shorter in duration. Keep in mind that it does not have to happen to every pregnant woman. 

Vaginal discharge of brown or dark red color is also common after giving birth. It is the body’s way of releasing the excess blood and tissue. It starts right after birth and can last up to 6 weeks. It is dark red at first and gradually turns pink. 

It is reasonable to be worried if you get a dark red or brown discharge during pregnancy. It can, however, be nothing serious but get a consultation from a professional as soon as possible to be safe. 

Bright Red 

Normal menstrual blood can be bright red. It can start bright red and stay the same color for the entirety of menstruation.  

If you get bright red vaginal discharge between periods, it can be a sign of infection, noncancerous growth or, in rare cases, that of cervical cancer. If your menstrual flow gets heavier or if it lasts longer than usual, go see a doctor. Other symptoms that can be an indication of a more serious medical condition are fatigue, foul smelling discharge, bleeding after sex, and pain around the pelvis and in the lower back. 


The period can get pink or pink hues when the menstruation flow is slow at the start or end of the menstruation. The blood gets diluted with the cervical fluid and the color becomes pink. People who take birth control pills may also get light pink period.  

However, if there is an irregular pink discharge, it is safe to consult a doctor. Pink discharge during pregnancy may or may not be normal depending on the individual. Thus, it is better to go see a doctor just in case.  

 Gray or Orange  

Gray or orange discharge can be a sign of an infection. There might be other symptoms such as fever, vaginal itching, pain during urination and a foul smell. Most infections are easily curable so please do not lose time by waiting, feeling ashamed or for any other reason. 

The characteristics of the period blood differs from individual to individual. The menstrual blood can be different for the same person from period to period, especially for young ladies who have just gotten their period and premenopausal women. The color can range from black to pink. However, if the color changes suddenly or if you experience other symptoms, it is better to look for the reason for the change. Keep in tune with your body and see a professional to be safe if you are concerned about any changes to your period, including the color, the flow, the smell, the duration etc.   

We hope that our article was useful to you. You can check out our innovative sanitary pads, made to alleviate the discomfort and the cramps caused by your period.

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