What to eat during your period?

Period or menstruation is a monthly process of shedding of the uterine lining. The uterus contracts regularly but women do not feel it as the contractions are mild. However, during menstrual period these contractions become more powerful so that the uterine lining could shed. Due...

Exercises during period

Not only every health professional, anyone who has access to information know that regular exercise is beneficial for physical and mental health. During your menstruation period, should you keep on with your workouts or should you take a break for a few days? The answer...

Period Blood Chart – What Does The Blood Colour Mean?

Menstruation is the monthly shedding of the uterine linings. The menstrual discharge gives vital information about the person’s health. It can vary in color and consistency from month to month and even during the same menstrual period. In most cases, the blood at the start...

5 Health Risks of Poor Menstrual Hygiene

Menstruation is a normal biological process that makes reproduction possible. Even though it is a fundamental biological process that most people are aware of, it is still a subject that some cultures and people find offensive to talk about. Menstruation and menstrual practices are still...

5 Common Menstruation Myths DEBUNKED

Menstruation is a topic that everyone knows about in a certain degree. It is normal physiological process of a human body and many people who do not get period know about it. People of all sexes and genders are aware of menstruation. However, in some...